Join the
Ambassador's Club
The Ambassador's Club is reserved for running enthusiasts who will help the American Hero 25k Relay in support of disabled children and soldiers and honor our community heroes, our military, police, firemen, teachers, civil servants and volunteers.
If you would like to join read the duties below, and if you wish to join, email us to get started. Thank You!
1. Encourage friends to support our event on FB
2. Each member would co-host the event on FB
3. Ambassadors would be co-hosts for one year, longer if desired
4. Each would invite their own FB friends (any number up to 500 as per FB regs
5. Share event pics at least once a week, through the last week in May, & then once a month until registration opens again, usually around Nov or Dec
6. Each would post their own pics and/or from other hosts always mentioning the relay
7. Run in Ambassador T-shirts - Free to members provided by the Free Spirits
8. Post selfies whenever possible on FB while mentioning the relay
9. Don’t forget to tag as many friends as you can each time you post.
10. Join me on Facebook
Benefits of being an Ambassador
A. You will become an official member of the Free Spirits Track Club (no dues ever required) thus having first-hand knowledge of everything going on in our relay and our track meets, etc.
B. Free customized Ambassador AH25KR T-shirt and AH Cap
C. Free American Hero 25k Relay Yearbook
D. Free Rudy’s BBQ meal tickets (when available) and free food at relay for entire family
E. Free Free Spirits dinner in Aug for you and your family
F. Great opportunity to learn about conducting, marketing, and managing races and non-profit organizations
G. Great exposure to you, your business, your charity, your band, group, etc.
H. You will be helping San Antonio businesses and the community with terrific exposure and attendance of folks coming to our city, as well as the advertising associated with the event
Thanks for your support all these years!
Erik Burciaga
Hotline: 210-454-7000